Trail Trash #2253
Berlin H3 #2253
Oct 13th 2024
Hared by Cyber Donkey Sex
From S Pichelsberg
When the pack came together for chalk talk, it promised to already turn into one of those fall weather trails with rain coming in horizontically and blown-away marks. Despite all the foreboding, it was not all terrible. But of course, some misfortunes have to be had on trail: lack of a beer stop and not enough naughty stops (Popcorn’s opinion). Nevertheless, these were pretty much outweighed (hare’s opinion) by the fall colors, the crunch of leaves, and the view from Drachenberg over Berlin’s rooftops. There are likely to be more trails in this neighborhood in the future.Trail Trash #2250
Berlin H3 #2250
Sep 21st 2024
Hared by Multi Cunty
From Angermünde, JWD
For the six brave half minds who managed the trek into this absolutely unfamiliar territory in the Uckermark, it was a good day out. The runners enjoyed their excellent hard run, with marks put down at more challenging distances than usual, about 150 to 300 meters from a check. Nevertheless, it was easy to follow if one retired their brain and instead relied on hashing instinct – and their nose for beer. It is rumored that one hound even liberated some local honey!
Trail Trash #2249
Berlin H3 #2249
Sep 15th 2024
Hared by Cyber Donkey Sex
From U Frankfurter Tor or thereabouts
A trail laid for selfish reasons, with a few twists through Friedrichshain to Kreuzberg via Ostbahnhof and Bethanien, and then reluctantly back to F’hain over Oberbaumbrücke.
Runners enjoyed a tasty ouzo stop along the way, got confused by moist and mossy blocks before finding their way back to the watering hole.
The hare managed one of the rarer feats: runners and walkers intersected at the merge point at the same time. However, the walkers then took a tram back to B. Shame!
Trail Trash #2248
Berlin H3 #2248
Sep 8th 2024
Hared by Touched by Boobies and Lemmywanks
From U Altstadt Spandau
A last summer trail through the most western parts of Berlin. Hot and sunny, the hares at first refused to go over bridges, instead teasing the pack with a loop around newly built up areas. Nevertheless, they finally gave in and led the pack to a plunge stop with swans. Alomst everyone got into the water for a last swim of the season.
Trail after this intermission was a dry affair, only interrupted by a very hot horse and a long teased shot stop. One of the hares had found a bitter at home they wanted to get rid of. Warm, sticky, and herbal, it made folks run a lot faster – probably so they could wash down the taste with something more palatable.
The pipe of pain made an appearance and Cyber fully enjoyed its beer shower ways.
Things to do on Marathon weekend 2024
Tradition has it that Berlin H3 hosts its Red Dress Run on the weekend of the Berlin Marathon. For silly reasons, we have to break with this tradition this year. Not just because over the last years we had few of the overachievers join our Red Dress Run later in the afternoon. No, the folks who would care about traditions are either going to be away for the (also very traditional) weekend in Neuglobsow or are enjoying their trips to places where they can avoid the oncoming grey of Berlin fall and winter for a little while.
Nevertheless, Berlin H3 will offer something for visiting half minds – our beloved H.A.L.T. (Hashers Against Long Trails), where we shall show you the power of brevity, legal outdoor drinking and some brews. Detrails: Friday, September 27th; Meet up at S+U Frankfurter Allee, follow trail marks above ground, if you need a map, look at the details in the hareline event; A to B trail, no bag car. You may also find this info on our hareline and all the channels we remember to use to announce trails.
On Sunday, September 29th, there shall be a trail. Just maybe not a Red Dress Run. And possibly also not from Invalidenstraße. Watch the hareline.
Catch you on trail!
On On
Berlin Hash Events on Marathon Weekend 2022
The marathon is cumming!
For any racists among you, you may be aware that the Berlin Marathon is on Sunday, September 25th! After a few loooong years (we’re not even sure how many at this point), Berlin H3 is excited to make you all cum celebrate with us again!
As is tradition in Berlin, we will have a whole host of events for you surrounding the zippy-zipping of the racers. Some of the events will be zippy and all will be tipp(s)y, and there will be plenty of fun for turkeys, eagles, and walkers alike!
Bear in mind: Each event will be pay-as-you-go. Keep an eye on the website and Facebook for final locations and times. Get in touch with us if you’ve forgotten how to read (or maybe we’ve forgotten how to write some important details). There is no accommodation organized for this event, so if you don’t want to sleep under a bridge, you should organize yourself something. Proceeds from the weekend events will be donated to Berliner Kältehilfe.
H.AL.T. on Friday, September 23rd
On Friday night, September 23rd, the fun kicks off with a H.A.L.T. (Hashers Against Long Trails), starting at 7 p.m. in front of Humana at U Frankfurter Tor. Hash cash is 10 Euros, but there will be LOTS of drinking, and not so much running. Any extra from hash cash will be donated to the red dress charity.
Beer Mile on Saturday, September 24th
On Saturday, September 24th at 2 pm HST (Hash Standard Time), Czech my Hairy Nipples will ho-st Berlin’s 9th (not so) annual Beer Mile! Don’t know what a beer mile is? Google it! Nah, we even did that for you: The beer mile will be held at the Rose garden in Treptower Park: Rosengarten mit Wasserfontänen (near S Treptower Park). Hash cash is 5 Euros.
Marathon Beer Stop and Red Dress Run on Sunday, September 25th
During the marathon on Sunday, September 25th, there will be a beer stop for our race-y hash friends (and whoever else wants one). The area gets crowded (and some of our marathon r*nners are RACISTS), so the meeting is in front of the Ampelmann store across from Gendarmenmarkt at 11 am! Take the U-Bahn to Hausvogteiplatz. If you’re late you’ll miss the speed demons! Keep an eye on the website and the Facebook event for the exact location, it might move a little bit because it’s CROWDED. Look for the big H3 Beer Stop flag.
After the marathon will be the Red Dress Run! This will meet at the ALDI parking lot at Invalidenstr. 59 (near Hauptbahnhof) at 3:45 pm. Wear red, and celebrate our marathoners while drinking for charity! This year, we will be supporting Berliner Kältehilfe, because, well, you know, winter is coming.
OnOn – Berlin Mismanagement
Getting famous
We’ve been hashing so long, we’ve occasionally made the news!
In 2007: (German only)
In 2015: (German only)
In 2019: (English only)
Full Moon Hash #72 – 08.02.2020

Berlin Hash #2008 – 20 Years of Semen

Berlin Hash #2006 – 19.01.2020

Berlin Hash #2005 – 12.01.2020

Full Moon Hash #71 – 10.01.2020

Berlin Hash #2003 – 29.12.2019

Berlin Hash #2002 – 22.12.2019

Berlin Hash #2001 – 15.12.2019

Full Moon Hash #70 – 12.12.2019

Berlin Hash #1998 – 01.12.2019

Berlin Hash #1997 – 24.11.2019

Berlin Hash #1994 – 03.11.2019

Berlin Hash #1993 – 27.10.2019