Two virgin hares, Just Josh and Just Teresa were aided by veteran hare-ess Call Girl in laying a trail in distant but scenicKöpernick. A litany of crimes were committed before the hash even got underway. The hares turned up late to their owntrail with the half-way-adequate excuse of enjoying Glühwein at the nearby Christmas stalls. Even later was theBeermeister with the Hash Car, giving us plenty of time to enjoy the frosty weather. Full of Spunk committed an earlyfoul with alcohol abuse, kicking over a warm Glühwein and Krusty the Meat Miser left far too little to the imaginationwith a display of various pasty-white body parts and fiery-red hair. Fortunately, trail did soon get underway.Unfortunately, the scribe was already onto his severalth beer and the rest is a bit of a blur. Lemme Wanks wasaccompanied by a large and excitable canine companion. Beer with a not too subtle essence of fish seems to haveimprinted itself irreversibly onto the minds of those unfortunate enough to opt for the pils at an otherwise lovely little beerstop. We welcomed three visiting hashers from the Istanbul hash, Madame Coco, Dickie Flasher and Kiddie Fiddler (atleast two of which may be moving to Berlin soon). Congratulations to our first time hares for an almost acceptable trail.You’ve now completed one of the most important prerequisites for a naming.
Hares: Just Josh, Just Teresa, Call Girl
Location: Köpernick
Beermeister: Kiss Me Kindl
Religious Advisor: Check My Hairy Nipples
Hot Climax, Sex Trap, Just Oliver, Lemme Wanks, Fellowship of the Cockring, Popo Peepshow, Full of Spunk, Hand inHorse, Krusty the Meat Miser, High Octane, Just Barbara, Dirty Berti, Ringpiece, Touched by Boobies, Symphomaniac(?), Madame Coco, Dickie Flasher, Kiddie Fiddler