Berlin H3 Run #2268
The trail this week will start at the Aldi parking lot at U-Alt Mariendorf (Alt Mariendorf #16):
Chalk talk will commence at 13:45 hrs for a 14:00 take off.
It’ll be an a2a trail.
If you’re late and miss the start: You can just hang out and scratch your naughty bits. It’s a beautiful parking lot and we’ll be back.
On On
Additional Details
Kennel - Berlin H3
Run Number - 2268
Hash Cash (€) - 5
Hares - Chorizo
Attributes - Accessible by public transport, Bag drop available
Event Promotion - Unspecified
Contact -
Location Specifics -
Hash Cash Extras (€) -
Hash Cash Extras Description -
Event Hidden - No
Hash Cash Non Members (€) - 5